Announcements & News

2023 Annual Report Published

Ulster Literacy Association recently published its 2023 Annual Report. 


As I began my tenure as Board President of the Ulster Literacy Association, I committed to do all I could to advance the mission of ULA and work to improve the lives of the over 25,000 functionally illiterate adults in Ulster County.

Our impact on the community is only possible because of the partnerships we have developed and strengthened over the last 42 years. Despite a global pandemic, we made significant progress in keeping our staff and programs intact and can now envision a stronger ULA. The current Board owes a debt of gratitude to Merle Cosgrove, who stepped down from the presidency last June and whose leadership got us through the pandemic.

ULA cannot exist without its volunteers and donors. I am in awe of the generosity of our donors, as I am proud of our tireless volunteers. Together, they make it possible for us to advance the mission of Ulster Literacy. I applaud the bravery and self-determination of our learners.

This year, we created a framework that will continue to strengthen in the next year. We added new board members, held our second Ulster Literacy Day at seven bookstores across the county, five more than the previous year, cultivated relationships with our supporters and donors, and renewed and expanded past partnerships. The work in the year ahead involves several ambitious projects – a long-range planning process to create a path for the next several years, events to build awareness of ULA in the greater community, and expansion of our programs to answer the needs of our neighbors throughout the county.

I wish to express my deep gratitude to our valued donors, advisors, and partners. We are grateful for all that you do. I also want to thank my fellow board members for their passion and dedication to strengthening the Ulster Literacy Association. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to thank ULA’s staff and leadership for their outstanding work in building a more literate and empowered Ulster County.

Kristin Wenger
Board President